2024 – Vacation Bible School – A Rousing Success!


Parks Chapel Vacation Bible School

Parks Chapel AME Church held its annual Vacation Bible School from July 29 through August 1.  The theme for this year was Growing and Developing Your Faith in Christ.  All participants, ranging in ages from 2 to 80, were treated to a rich learning experience. 

Throughout the week participants learned the key ingredients of faith, belief, trust, hope, obedience, and patience in God.  They were also given the tools to develop and grow their faith by examining the Actions of Faith which are praying, reading the Bible, reflecting on the goodness of God, and having Christian friends to reinforce and encourage faith.  This was done by studying the lives of four Biblical figures from the Old Testament who displayed great faith in the face of betrayal (Jospeh) hardship (Job) danger (Daniel) and despair (Hannah).

The classes for ages 2 -18 featured animated video stories, fun activities, games art, and crafts.  The highlight for some of the students was a trip to the treasure chest which they earned by participating and answering questions regarding the Biblical stories.   The adult classes were full of lively interactive discussions about faith with the backdrop of the key Biblical figures of Joseph, Job, Daniel, and Hannah.  

The week concluded with a presentation of faith projects from each class.  The children’s class displayed a beautiful dazzling faith sign and one student wrote an amazing Haiku poem about faith.  The adult class made a spectacular jar filled with faith-inspired scriptures.  The scripture jar was given to the church for all who need encouragement.  The youth class presented an amazing poster featuring the ingredients of faith; while the young adult class, challenged everyone to their knowledge about the ingredients of faith via phone technology,  Overall, Vacation Bible School was considered an incredible experience for all those who were present. Make sure you don’t miss out next year.


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