December 2022
Christmas in the Valley Concert, WMS Chili Bake sale and YPD Toy Giveaway- Sunday, December 18, 2022
Homegoing Service for Audrey Baker, December 23, 2022 11:30 AM – 12:45 PM online
The scholarship fund of the Southern California Conference Lay Organization is named in honor of the late Dr. Moses William Walters. Dr. Walters was a faithful member of St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church of San Bernardino, California for many years, He was a beloved layman, a devout Christian, a well known educator, a popular Lay Day speaker, and served as the president of the Lay Organization for several years. He was a quiet, friendly, articulate man who was well respected by the Lay Organization, his church family and Pastor.
Applications can be found in the church foyer
PARKS CHAPEL ONLINE –We live stream the 10:30 am Sunday service to Facebook (facebook.com/ParksChapelAMESFV) and YouTube where we have almost 200 videos from Parks Chapel including sermons and songs.
We are now able to receive offerings online using Zelle If you bank with the following banks: Bank of America, BB&T, Capital One, Chase, PNC Bank, U.S. Bank and Wells Fargo. If you would like to use Zelle please use the following email address:parkschapelsocal@verizon.net. If your bank does not offer Zelle you can still give online on the church’s website or mail your offerings to the church.
New Members Class– Thursday, Nov. 3, 2022 6:30pm
Zoom ID 895 6770 6452 Passcode 406924
Steward Board and Class Leader Meeting – Saturday , November, 5 2022 9:30am
Zoom General ID: 895 6770 6452 Password 406924
MOSES WALTERS SCHOLARSHIP: The scholarship fund of the Southern California Conference Lay Organization is named in honor of the late Dr. Moses William Walters. Dr. Walters was a faithful member of St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church of San Bernardino, California for many years, He was a beloved layman, a devout Christian, a well known educator, a popular Lay Day speaker, and served as the president of the Lay Organization for several years. He was a quiet, friendly, articulate man who was well respected by the Lay Organization, his church family and Pastor.
Applications can be found in the church foyer
Weekly ZOOM Meetings
9:00 am – 10:15 am Every Sunday Morning
Meeting ID: 878 8632 6099 Password: 590141
“Men In The Valley”- Monday Night Study- Every Monday
6:30pm – 7:30pm
Meeting ID: 895 5013 7565 Password: 828190
“Back To Berea” -Tuesday Night Interactive Bible Study
6:30pm – 7:30pm
Meeting ID: 878 1697 7853 Passcode: 131098
“Ram In The Bush” – Wednesday Night Bible Study
6:30pm – 7:30pm
Meeting ID: 880 4618 9458 Password: 404269
Tithe & Offerings
Tithes: What I give back to God for the upkeep of His work at my local Church Offerings: What I give back for Special works God is doing.
Conference Claims: What I give to Bless the A.M.E. Church
Class Dues: What I give to Bless the Pastor
GIVE online At ZELLE or Tithe.ly
Email: Parkschapelsocal@verizon.net
Mail or drop off your offering
Parks Chapel AME Church
1102 Fourth St.
San Fernando, CA 91340
Church Office: 818-898-1833
Jennie Allen, Audrey Baker, Myrna Cantrell, John Cureton, Sandra Crawford Rose
Demetrio Deterville, Kahmila Flint, Ayana Flint, Jonathan Gales, Sarah Burris Hills,
Jerry Jacobs, Carmelita Logan, Ron Love, Camara Nettles, Charles E. Nettles, Janet Peterson,
Douglas & Beverly Reed, James Robinson, Joel Rucker, Dora Smith, Safia Smith,
Helen Sugland, LaMont & Charlene Strong, Grover Ware and Family, Audrey Williams,
Harvey Williams. Billy and Terry Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. Chow, Kenneth Daniels, Mark Davidovich,
Bertha Edwards, Tommy Gales, Gilbert Leon, Curtis Green, Christian Lauricella,
Joseph Miulli, Audrey Moore, Grant Muldrow, Ellen Nickleberry, Nikko, Alex Ornelas, David Ptashe, Drew Smith, Joe and Linda Vergilis, Ray Williams, Pam Walker Williams,
pray for our Social and Criminal Justice System, Our National Security, Violence across the world, the flood victims, the fire victims, those in challenging weather, and for displaced persons everywhere.
“The prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well, the Lord will raise him up.”
-James 5:15
December Birthdays
We would like to wish the following church members a “Happy Birthday!”
About Our Live Streaming Bible Study From Los Angeles’ San Fernando Valley
Join the live streaming of our 6:30 PM PT Tuesday Back to Berea Bible Study service from Parks Chapel AME Church in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles.
Our church is led by Reverend Kirkpatrick “KP” Tyler, our Senior pastor.
Share with someone you love. Spread the Good News! Parks Chapel AME Church services can also be watched on Facebook .
Next Tuesday night Pastor Kp will go deeper into the Sermonic Text from Sunday.
Contribute To Parks Chapel AME Church.
Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty,
“and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not drop their fruit before it is ripe,” says the Lord Almighty.
“Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land,” says the Lord Almighty.