The coronavirus, COVID-19, has caused a public health crisis that has changed the way we lead our daily lives. In response to the coronavirus, COVID-19, here at Parks Chapel AME Church, we have made adjustments to longstanding practices and traditions to avoid placing your health at risk through the spread of Coronavirus, COVID-19.
Until further notice, a single pre-recorded Sunday worship service will be live-streamed at 10:30 a.m. and recorded for future viewing. You can see the service live on your computer, cellphone, tablet or other technology of your choosing at our main website: www.parkschapelsfv.org/LIVE .
We know that during times of crisis such as these people look to the church for guidance and a word of encouragement. It is a time to draw closer to God. We are here for you and welcome you with open arms. Help us guide others to the light. I am asking you to do the following 5 things.
- If you have not already done so please register on our website to stay abreast of church services, activities, and announcements.
- Type a description of your feeling about the church using notes or any text program like Word or Pages (what has the church meant to you? Talk about the pastor(s), choir, the music, the loving congregation, our online assets – Testify!).
- If you have a Facebook Account

- Go To Facebook.com/Parkschapelamesfv
- On the left-hand side of the page, down from our logo, click on “Reviews”
- Answer the question “Do You Recommend Parks Chapel AME – San Fernando?”
- Enter your star rating and paste the description of the church you created.
4. Go to Yelp

- In the search text box type in: parks chapel ame church San Fernando
- Click REVIEW
- Enter your star rating and paste the description of the church you created.
5. If you have a Gmail or Google Account

- Go To Google.com
- In the search text box type in: parks chapel ame church San Fernando
- Click on “REVIEWS” – it’s on the line with “ OVERVIEW. UPDATES REVIEWS ABOUT
- Enter your star rating and paste the description of the church you created .