The Black Experience – Reparations Survey Project. 

Greetings Parks Chapel Social Action Community! We would love to see you all (today) Thursday, July 20th beginning 6:30pm, as we discuss and outline The Black Experience - Reparations Survey Project. Special Guests / Presenter will join us with details you do not want to miss! Our Guests: Commissioner / Vice Chair Khansa T. Jones-Muhammad, better known as Friday Jones, is a reparations advocate and educator, Vice President of the Los Angeles Reparations Advisory Commission, appointed by former Mayor Eric Garcetti, President and Co-Facilitator of the National Assembly of American Slavery Descendants, founding steering member of a Coalition for a Just and Equitable California, anchor organization for the California AB3121 Task Force, and former Co-Chair and founding member of NAASD Los Angeles (National Assembly of American Slavery Descendants). Vice Chair Jones-Muhammad is the author and publisher of a self-help memoir “The Real Friday Jones.” Diamond Jones, Director of Innovation, LA Civil Rights - Civil + Human Rights and Equity Department Our guests will discuss the Reparations Advisory Commission, The Black Experience Survey, and details on how we can begin to participate in this initiative. Invite other PCAME community members - See you soon via Zoom. Join Zoom: Meeting ID: 848 8770 9918 Passcode: 489783 Dial In: +1 669 900 6833