Please Testify!

Pastor KP

Greetings Parks Chapel Church Family,  

I pray that this finds you all and taking the necessary steps to keep yourself And your family healthy and safe.    

To give people an idea of what they can expect in deciding to tune in/visit our service I want you to do the following:  

1. Type a description of your feeling about the church using  notes or any text program like Word or Pages (what has the church meant to you?  Talk about the pastor(s), choir,  the music, the loving congregation, our online assets – Testify!)  

2. If you have a Facebook Account

Facebook logo
  • To 
  • On the left-hand side of the page, down from our logo, click on “Reviews”
  • Answer the question “Do You Recommend Parks Chapel AME – San Fernando?”
  • Enter your star rating and paste the description of the church you created
Facebook Reviews


3. Go to Yelp

  1. In the search text box type in:  parks chapel ame church San Fernando
  2. Click  REVIEW 
  3. Enter your star rating and paste the description of the church you created 

4. If you have a gmail or Google Account 

1. Go To

2. In the search text box type in:  parks chapel ame church San Fernando

3.  Click on “REVIEWS” – it’s on the line with “ OVERVIEW UPDATES REVIEWS ABOUT

4.  Enter your star rating and paste the description of the church you created.  

Please pass it on.  Let’s see what we can do to grow our congregation.  

Reuben W. Ford

Sr. Pastor Parks Chapel AME Church


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