Jan 2022

Greetings Parks Chapel Church Family, I pray that this finds you all and taking the necessary steps to keep yourself And your family healthy and safe. To give people an idea of what they can expect in deciding to tune in/visit our service I want you to do the following: 1. Type a description of your feeling about the church using notes or any text program like Word or Pages (what has the church meant to you? Talk about the pastor(s), choir, the music, the loving congregation, our online assets – Testify!)......
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Family, “If we ever needed the Lord before, we sho’ do need Him now!” Contrary to the prognostications of those who dwell in the magical land of make believe where to will something is...
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Carter G. Woodson is known as the father of black history and black studies. He worked tirelessly to establish the field of African-American history in the early 1900s, founding the Association for the Study...
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Q&A With Our New Pastor, Reverend Reuben W. Ford
Question: When and where did you accept the call to ministry? Reply: I accepted the call to ministry over thirty years ago, while a member of the congregation at Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church...
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Get to Know Our New Pastor Reverend Reuben W. Ford
Before we tell you a little about our new Pastor I want to encourage you to read his full Bio and ask him any questions you might have about his faith, background, plans for...
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The Place – 2016 Women’s Missionary Society Executive Board Meeting
I am sharing this from the Christian Recorder. Bishop Frank Madison Reid, III, Commission Chair Mrs. Jacquelyn DuPont Walker, Director/Consultant Response To The Las Vegas Shooting The year – 2016...
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