June 4, 2023
Series: Study of the Epistles
Speaker: Reverend Kirkpatrick Tyler
Topic: Apostle, comforts, Paul, Praise God, Prophesy, Resurrection, Salvation, Sirit of Holiness, Suffering
Book: 2 Corinthians, Romans
Scriptural Reading 2 Corinthians 1:1-7 (New International Version) The Day… read more
August 16, 2021
Speaker: Reverend Reuben W. Ford
Topic: Armor of God, Deliverance, Disease, distressed in spirit, God's Will, Prayer, Salvation, sins
Can We Survive? Spiritual Reading Psalm 121:1-8 (New International Version)… read more
July 25, 2021
Speaker: Reverend Reuben W. Ford
Topic: Day of Judgement, Deliverance, Repentance, Salvation, Wisdom
Noah, the Flood, the Mystery, and the Metaphor, Part 2… read more